Working meeting with representatives of the Republic of Croatia

04.03 2024

Head of the High School Yuliia Lykhach took part in a working meeting of the NAUCS with the Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of the Republic of Croatia to Ukraine Anica Djamic and Rector of the Polytechnic University of Šibenik Ljubo Runić.

The NAUCS, the High School of Public Governance and the Polytechnic University of Šibenik (Republic of Croatia) discussed the prospects of cooperation in the framework of professional training of public servants for the organisation of the negotiation process on Ukraine’s accession to the EU.

The Government of Ukraine has entrusted the NAUCS and the High School with the task of organising training for public servants who plan, coordinate, monitor and report on the implementation of Ukraine’s commitments in the field of European integration.

Specialists in European integration coordination need training on topics related to EU legislation and standards in the relevant policy area, the negotiation process, the development of analytical documents and the process of approximation of Ukrainian legislation to EU law.

High School have great educational potential and successful experience of cooperation with European educational institutions. In the near future, it is planned to hold an international seminar “Organisation of the Negotiation Process in the EU: Experience of Foreign Countries” and launch an international project “Training Hub for Ukrainian Civil Servants on European Integration”.

It should be added that in 2023, the High School implemented 18 advanced training programmes in the field of European integration. In addition, the School, together with the Hanns Seidel Foundation, has developed a training programme entitled “Negotiations with the EU and the Dynamics of Decision-Making: A Practical Approach”.
