Center for Evaluating Applicants for Public Service Positions

Center for Professional Development of Management Competencies

Center for Professional Development in the Sphere of Regional Development and Local Self-government and Restoration of Ukraine

Center for Professional Development in the Sphere of Human Rights Compentencies, Non-discrimination and Gender equality

Centre for Digitalization of Professional Learning and Development

Centre for Professional Development in Sphere of European and Euro-atlantic Integration

Centre for Professional Development with Innovative Tools and Technologies in Public Administration

Center for Study of Official Languages of the European Union

Сenter for Professional Development in State Language Competencies

Department of Strategic Planning and Analytical Support

Personnel Management and Personnel Development Department

Law Enforcement Department

Department of Coaching Skills Development

Department of Educational Process Organization, Reporting and Education Quality Assurance

Department of Teaching Methodology and Scientific Research

Department of Documentation control

Directory of Financial Support, Accounting and Budget Planning

Directorate of Administrative, Property Maintaince and Resource Support

Public Procurement Professional