Professional development for coaches

18.08 2023

On 16-18 August, as part of the Summer School of Coaching Skills, thematic training on individual ToT programmes was held.

According to Yuliia Likhach, Director of the High School of Public Governance, the training for trainers is a unique programme that brings together the experience of trainers and the best tools for creating, conducting training and working with a group. This training is aimed at developing coaching skills and competencies, filled with exercises and practice, because only by practicing can you learn to be a coach.

Professional development of trainers was based on four training programmes:

  1. Training Techniques for Teaching Response to Conflict-Related Sexual Violence and Assistance to Victims.
    This programme aims to increase the level of professional competence of trainers in the prevention of and response to conflict-related sexual violence and victim assistance.
    The training was implemented thanks to the partners – UN Women in Ukraine, the Dr Mukwege Foundation and the Ukrainian Women Lawyers Association YurFem.
    Participants learned how to prepare trainings and use innovative and interactive methods of training public officials to identify and respond to cases of CRSV and provide assistance to victims.
  2. Use of training technologies in organising training on ensuring the right to access public information in state and local self-government bodies.The training was supported by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) The training enabled the participants to increase their capacity to use interactive methods to ensure the right to access public information in state and local government bodies.
  3. The use of training technologies in the organisation of training on strategic planning based on the methodology of result-based management.Implementation partners include the Support to Ukraine’s Government Reforms Project (SURGe).Today, effective management decision-making requires the use of modern information technologies that ensure the completeness and timeliness of information display of processes, the possibility of their modelling, analysis and forecasting. This particular training is aimed at improving the level of professional competence of trainers in strategic planning in accordance with the Results-Based Management (RBM) methodology, i.e. based on the principles of result-oriented management.
  4. Professional development for trainers on the use of training technologies for training on combating domestic and gender-based violence and providing assistance to victims.One of the objectives of the training is to increase the capacity of participants to prepare trainings and use interactive methods of teaching adults to counteract gender-based and domestic violence.The development programme envisages a comprehensive approach to overcoming the large-scale problem of domestic and gender-based violence, developing skills in conducting trainings for an adult audience, and aims to increase the level of professional competence in these areas. Implemented with the support of the United Nations Population Fund in Ukraine (UNFPA).For three days, the Summer School participants worked on pre-selected topics that directly affect their areas of activity. The training sessions were held using interactive forms of learning in the form of presentations, practical work in small groups, facilitation, cross-checking, discussion of the work done and testing.The High School of Public Governance is interested in having the most motivated participants who want to join the community of trainers and plan to use the skills they have acquired in the future.
