Online marathon for local self-government bodies starts

14.09 2023

On 14 September 2023, the educational online marathon “Topical Issues of Local Self-Government” starts.

More information about the first module in the Supermarket of Solutions
The project is being implemented by the High School of Public Administration in cooperation with the National Agency for State Administration, the Association of Small Cities of Ukraine and the All-Ukrainian Association of Centres for Administrative Services.

During the six weeks, participants will have a unique opportunity to gain new knowledge and practical skills to improve the efficiency and quality of work through the implementation of effective tools of local self-government and territorial organisation of power in the context of adaptation to new political and socio-economic challenges.

The following modules will be covered in the professional development programme:

  • Strategic planning of local development
  • Local budget and financial support of the territorial community.
  • Communications and interaction between local authorities and the public.
  • Ensuring the provision of social services at the community level.
  • Directions of interaction between representatives of local self-government bodies and representatives of the free legal aid system in terms of strengthening the legal capacity of communities.
  • Cooperation of territorial communities.
  • Peculiarities of exercising powers by administrative service centres under martial law.

The training will take place every Thursday on the Supermarket of Solutions platform, where you can find detailed information on each specific module. Upon successful completion of the entire training course, students will receive a certificate for 2 credits.
