Improving the level of professional competence in the state language together

05.12 2023

Teachers of the Сenter for Professional Development in State Language competencies of the High School have developed manuals for students, public servants, business people and anyone interested in the rules of business paperwork and seeking to improve their language skills. The manuals are available on the official website of the High School and are freely accessible at

The “Writing Business Letters in Management” manual offers traditional and non-traditional tips and principles that can significantly improve the level of business correspondence in management, in accordance with the etiquette rules, language literacy rules and requirements of regulatory documents for the preparation of business letters. Readers’ attention is not burdened with an excess of theoretical material – instead, they are focused on the practical application of the knowledge gained as a result of studying the proposed material.

The Organisational and Administrative Documents manual covers the peculiarities of written business speech, details and rules of document execution. Examples of business documents for editing are provided.
