Counteracting domestic violence: training for trainers

02.10 2023

On 2 October, a three-day training of trainers (ToT) on combating domestic violence began at the High School of Public Governance.

The event is being implemented by the National Training Centre for Prevention and Counteraction to Gender-Based and Domestic Violence of the High School with the support of the United Nations Population Fund in Ukraine.

During the training, qualified experts will allow participants to improve their coaching skills on international and national legislation, basic tools, forms and types of assistance to victims, and the development and implementation of training programmes on preventing and combating domestic violence.

Upon successful completion of the training programme and receipt of a certificate, participants will be included in the database of trainers of the High School and will be involved in the process of implementing educational activities in the field of postgraduate education of public servants and local government officials.

The National Training Centre on Combating Gender-Based and Domestic Violence was established to implement the Memorandum of Cooperation between the High School of Public Governance and the United Nations Population Fund in Ukraine to provide a holistic, flexible educational process that will promote the professional development and training of public servants and local government officials on the prevention of domestic violence and support for victims.
