Professional development programme in the field of European integration

01.08 2023

Starting from 1 August 2023, the High School of Public Governance will start registration for the general short-term professional development programme “European Union. EU-Ukraine Relations”.

The programme is aimed at developing the professional competence of public servants and local self-government officials to understand the essence and features of integration processes in the European Union, the organisational and legal framework of the EU, and the specifics and priorities of Ukraine’s European integration policy.
Target group – public servants of categories “B” and “C”, local government officials, officials of local authorities. The total number of participants is 33.

The programme includes the following topics:

  • prerequisites for the creation of the European Union and stages of its enlargement;
  • EU bodies and institutions, their composition, powers and functioning;
    values and competence;
  • EU foreign and security policy;
  • European identity;
  • acquiring the status of a candidate for EU membership;
  • institutional and regulatory support for the implementation of the state policy of European integration of Ukraine;
  • cooperation between Ukraine and the European Union, EU support for Ukraine in response to the russian war of aggression.

Upon successful completion of the training, participants will receive a certificate of advanced qualifications.
