Training for public sector information security specialists completed

27.07 2023

The High School of Public Governance has trained 70 public servants of categories B and C and local government officials in the general short-term development programme “Cybersecurity of Critical Information Infrastructure for Public Sector Information Security Specialists”.

At the final lesson, the Director of the High School of Public Governance, Yuliia Lykhach, congratulated the participants on the successful completion of the training and expressed hope that the knowledge and skills gained would be applied to the tasks of building an effective cyber defence and security system.
The training programme was implemented in cooperation with the State Service for Special Communications and Information Protection of Ukraine and the EU4PAR project.

During the training, which was held in the format of thematic discussions, case studies, and business games, the participants gained knowledge about the components of cybersecurity and the specifics of its culture in government, learned the skills to respond to and effectively counter cyber threats, and increased their professional competence in information security, etc. Upon successful completion of the final test, participants will receive certificates.
