The third module of the School of Strategy Training

18.03 2024

The third module at the School of Strategy Training was held on 18 March 2024.

Olena Yuzkova, a certified management consultant and business coach, presented an interactive lecture on the main components of an organisation’s development strategy: vision, mission, values, strategic priorities, key projects, and performance indicators.

After the theoretical part, the participants moved on to practical work in teams. In groups, the students developed the vision, mission, and values of the organisation, identified strategic priorities and key projects for their implementation, and analysed performance indicators.

It is worth noting that this training format contributes to the formation of key competencies in understanding strategic management models, preparation and implementation of development strategies, effective teamwork, leadership, and strategic planning.

The educational project “School of Strategist Training” for senior public servants is being implemented at the High School jointly with the National Agency of Ukraine on Civil Service and with the support of the project “Support to Government Reforms in Ukraine” (SURGe).

This year, the training for 20 category A public servants is structured in the form of a business game “Ukraine – a country of opportunities”, with priority areas focused on strategies for the development and restoration of Ukraine, the development of the public authority and the relevant area of public administration, and the personal development of the manager.
