The best of the best in educational innovation: awarding the winners

13.12 2023

On 13 December 2023, the National Agency of Civil Service of Ukraine awarded the winners of the competition “Best Practices for Implementing Educational Innovations in the System of Professional Training of Civil Servants, Heads of Local State Administrations, Their First Deputies and Deputies, Local Government Officials and Members of Local Councils”.

For the fourth year in a row, the NAUCS has been selecting the best of the best among those who offer new innovative approaches to professional training of public servants.

Olha Shevchuk, Head of the Council of Europe Programme “Decentralisation and Public Administration Reform in Ukraine”, congratulated the winners and added that this competition is not so much about victories and awards as it is about sharing achievements, experience, best practices and disseminating them both in Ukraine and abroad.

The High School of Public Governance received a worthy distinction – a victory in the nomination “Professional Training to Ensure Resilience and Adaptability of State and Local Governments in the Context of War”.

The purpose of the educational innovation of introducing a competence-based approach to developing emotional resilience and ensuring the formation of psycho-emotional support for public servants, which the High School submitted for the competition, is to adapt the public service to work under martial law, provide psychosocial support, develop psychological competence, prevent stress disorders and professional burnout.

In the course of the innovation, practical manuals “Psychosocial Support for Public Servants under Martial Law. Workshop for trainers”, “Anti-stress moneybox”, videos “Techniques of psycho-emotional support”, and professional development programmes on psychosocial support, adaptation and development of psychological competence of public servants. In addition, an online marathon “Emotional Resilience of a Public Servant” was held, which was attended by 469 people.

At the award ceremony, Yuliia Lykhach, Director of the High School, stressed that the High School team was honoured by the award for the joint work done to provide psycho-emotional support to public servants who, like everyone else today, work under conditions of increased stress and responsibility. “We are not stopping there, and the next upcoming project of the High School will be the training of trainers for public authorities and representatives of human resources services who will be able to provide first psychological support in their institutions. This will allow them to receive support in the shortest possible time, increase the effectiveness of psychological support and help create a culture of support for employees’ mental health in public authorities.”

We remind you that this year’s winners were selected in nominations:

  • Master’s degree in speciality 281 “Public management and administration” in the field of knowledge – “Public management and administration;
  • Professional development of civil servants, heads of local state administrations, their first deputies and deputies, local self-government officials and deputies of local councils;
  • Internal training of civil servants, heads of local state administrations, their first deputies and deputies, local self-government officials;
  • Professional training to ensure the resilience and adaptability of state and local authorities in the context of war.
