The School of Stasostas educational project, which began on January 30, is underway at the High School. The project is being implemented jointly with the National Agency of Ukraine on Civil Service, the All-Ukrainian Association of Amalgamated Hromadas and with the support of the U-LEAD with Europe Program. Together with the trainer Roksolana Stadnyk, Director of the Department of Information and Public Relations of the CMU Secretariat, the students joined the development of the second module, “Interaction between local self-government bodies and self-organisation bodies. Tools for establishing communication with citizens”. In today’s environment, the interaction between local governments and community organizations and the tools for establishing communication with citizens are of particular importance. And for such interaction to be effective, local governments need to be open to communication with citizens, ready to take into account their opinions and suggestions. Thus, the participants discussed the strategic communications of local authorities, ensuring active access to information, planning communication campaigns, discussions, and consultations. They learned more about the Open Government Partnership initiative. The concepts of “image” and “publicity” were discussed in detail. They also had the opportunity to ask questions of the trainer and get professional answers.