Professional development in the field of European integration

06.11 2023

On October 6, the High School of Public Governance launched a new course entitled “Negotiations with the EU and the Dynamics of Decision-Making: A Practical Approach (Interactive Simulation Exercises Based on the Community Method and Exercises on International Crisis Response).”

The course, developed by the High School, includes theory and simulation exercises. This will allow participants to better understand the EU decision-making process. Representatives of state authorities in charge of cooperation with the EU have the opportunity to improve their skills. The trainer was Alejandro Ribo Labastida, a professor at the College of Europe and the European Diplomatic Academy. For almost 20 years, the professor has been simulating EU negotiations on community issues and EU responses to international security crises. A significant part of his courses is aimed at developing the capacity of the public service and preparing candidate countries for EU accession. During the week, the students will improve their professional knowledge in the field of European integration, approximation of Ukrainian legislation to EU law, as well as EU standards in the relevant field, etc.

Based on the results of the training, participants will receive certificates of completion of the course in the amount of 1 ECTS credit. It should be noted that the training was organized by the SCMU with the support of the National Agency of Ukraine on Civil Service and the Hanns Seidel Foundation (Hanns-Seidel-Stiftung).
