Meeting of the working group on professional development of the family of positions ” Literary editing”

17.11 2023

On 17 November 2023, the first meeting of the working group to develop recommendations on the list of requirements for competencies and professional knowledge, development of short-term professional development programmes for the Literary Editing family of positions was held under the chairmanship of Serhii Selivanov, Deputy Director of the High School.

The working group was established to determine the requirements for competencies and professional knowledge for typical public service positions. It includes representatives of the NAUCS, the High School, the Drahomanov Ukrainian State University, the National Commission on State Language Standards, and the Association of Ukrainian Editors.

“The first step and the basis for the reform of the remuneration system should be a modern classification of positions,” said Serhii Selivanov, “The classification provides for the distribution of public service positions and assignment of classification codes to them based on the assignment of positions to the respective families and levels defined in the Catalogue of Typical Public Service Positions and Criteria for Assigning to Such Positions.

The deputy director of the High School also added that the main functionality of the above-mentioned family of positions includes:

  • literary editing of draft documents to be submitted
    for signature by the management of the state body, including draft documents on
    state policy issues and draft legislative acts that are
    developed by the government agency;
  • control over compliance with unification in the spelling of abbreviations and units
    of measurement, accuracy of references to primary sources, correct use of
    of terms, etc;
  • bringing the object of editing in line with the defined
    standards, including linguistic, compositional, and printing standards.

At the meeting, the participants discussed the specifics of appointments to
civil service and special requirements for persons applying for
B and C category positions.

We considered typical civil service positions, criteria for classification and levels of typical civil service positions. The algorithms for developing recommendations on the list of requirements for competencies and professional knowledge, as well as for developing short-term training programmes for the family of positions “Literary editing” were discussed in detail.

It should be noted that, in addition to defining the requirements for competencies and professional knowledge for the Literary Editing family of positions, the High School also created working groups in the areas of Human Resources Management and Communication and Information Support.
