Meeting of the working group on professional development of the family of positions “Communication and Information Support”

02.11 2023

On November 2, 2023, the first meeting of the working group on the development of recommendations on the list of requirements for competencies and professional knowledge, the development of short-term professional development programs for the family of positions “Communication and Information Support” was held under the chairmanship of the Deputy Director of the High School of Public Governance Serhii Selivanov.

The working group was established by the order of the High School of Public Governance dated April 21, 2023, No. 50-OD/23 to determine the requirements for competencies and professional knowledge for typical public service positions.

The members included representatives of the National Agency of Ukraine on Civil Service, the High School of Public Governance, the Secretariat of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, the Ministry of Culture and Information Policy of Ukraine, the State Committee for Television and Radio Broadcasting of Ukraine, the Kyiv City State Administration, and the Center for Strategic Communications and Information Security.

The meeting of the working group was opened by Serhii Selivanov, Deputy Director of the High School of Public Governance. He spoke about the activities of the working group, outlined the main purpose and areas of activity, and noted that the main functionality of the above-mentioned family of positions:

  • Ensuring planning, implementation and evaluation of the effectiveness of external communications of the state body with the media, public associations, other stakeholders, natural and legal persons, access to public information, and consideration of electronic petitions;
  • Development of a communication strategy and communication plan of the state body;
  • Covering and monitoring the activities of the state body in the media, conducting organizational and educational activities;
  • Coordination and organization of public consultations and other public events (meetings, negotiations, etc.) with representatives of different target audiences to identify problematic issues and determine possible ways of responding to them, as well as explaining the state policy in the relevant area, developing and communicating a common position;
  • Monitoring and analyzing information sources, protests, public opinion to identify possible and existing crisis situations that require the intervention of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine or other executive authorities;
  • Preparation of information materials (copywriting), photo and video materials, as well as design, graphic design of documents and information messages in paper and electronic form, such as website design and content.

At the meeting, the participants discussed the specifics of appointment to public service positions and special requirements for persons applying for positions of category B and C. They reviewed typical public service positions, criteria for classification and levels of typical public service positions. The participants discussed in detail the algorithms for developing recommendations on the list of requirements for competencies and professional knowledge, and for developing short-term professional development programs for the family of positions “Communication and Information Support”.

It should be noted that, in addition to defining the requirements for competencies and professional knowledge of the Communication and Information Support family of positions, the High School also created working groups in the areas of Human Resources Management and Editorial Writing.
