Meeting of the 6th Subgroup of the IWG on Combating Sexual Violence Related to Russia’s Armed Aggression against Ukraine and Assisting Victims

06.07 2023

On July 6, the first meeting of the 6th subgroup of the Interagency Working Group on Counteracting Sexual Violence Related to Russia’s Armed Aggression against Ukraine and Assisting Victims was held, which was created to unify and systematize training programs, methodological materials and developments for conducting trainings and seminars on preventing and responding to cases of conflict-related sexual violence and assisting victims.

The High School of Public Governance is a co-coordinator of this subgroup. The group includes representatives of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the National Police, the Office of the Prosecutor General, the Coordination Center for Legal Aid, the State Border Guard Service, the State Migration Service, the National School of Judges, the Training Center for Prosecutors, the National Academy of the Security Service of Ukraine, UNFPA, Redress, SEMA Ukraine, La Strada Ukraine, JurFem, the Women’s Information and Consultation Center, the Ukrainian Foundation for Public Health, HealthRight International Ukraine, and the Police Stabilization Project.

During the meeting, the partners reviewed the main goals of the Task Force, the priority tasks and goals by the end of the year, and the development of a roadmap for its activities. The concept was updated and agreed upon, and priority areas of work were formed.

In particular, it was unanimously decided to focus first on studying the needs for professional training in the field of CRSV and analyzing the market of educational services in this area.

“Using such data, we will be able to identify and formulate the next steps of the subgroup as efficiently as possible to avoid duplication and respond to the needs of society,” said Yuliia Lykhach, Director of the High School.

Yuliia Lykhach also spoke about the High School’s upcoming initiatives in this area, including the finalization of an online course on CRSV and the launch of trainings for trainers who will provide advanced training for civil servants and local self-government officials on identifying and responding to CRSV cases, and invited colleagues to join the Summer School of Coaching, which will start in Ukraine for the first time this August and will include training a pool of trainers on gender-based violence.
