Increasing emotional resilience together

02.08 2023

The High School of Public Governance has launched the All-Ukrainian Educational Marathon “Emotional Resilience of a Public Servant”. The project was implemented jointly with the National Agency of Ukraine on Civil Service and with the support of UN Women Ukraine

Qualified specialists conducted six online classes to provide useful information and effective practices aimed at understanding their own emotions, developing emotional intelligence, maintaining emotional resilience, reducing anxiety, mobilising a sense of internal support, mastering preventive methods of psychological assistance and support to prevent chronic stress.

The staff of the High School have learnt these simple techniques and shared their skills with everyone who is interested.

Short videos with exercises to prevent stress and anxiety can be found here

Based on the marathon results, a practical guide called the Anti-Stress Moneybox was also prepared to help control emotions and avoid stress.

Emotional resilience allows you to calm your mind after facing a negative experience. It is an internal motivation, an inner strength that helps us cope with all the negative aspects of life.

So share useful tips with your colleagues, family and friends, and build your “emotional muscles” to respond effectively to the challenges caused by the war.
