High school joined the writing of the Radio Dictation of National Unity

27.10 2023

On 27 October, on the Day of Ukrainian Literature and Language, the staff of the High School of Public Governance traditionally joined the largest Ukrainian-language flash mob – the Radio Dictation of National Unity.

For the second time, the NAUCS is the official partner of “Suspilne” in writing a radio dictation and a platform where public servants of category “A”, employees of the NAUCS and territorial bodies joined the multimillion audience of participants.

This year’s radio dictation was entitled “Roads of Ukraine”. The text was written by writer, translator and Shevchenko Prize winner Kateryna Kalytko. The narrator was actor and theatre director Oleksiy Hnatkovskiy, who recently starred in the blockbuster film Dovbush.

The text of the dictation for self-testing will be published on 30 October on the website of Ukrainian Radio.

On the occasion of the Day of Ukrainian Literature and Language, the High School also hosted a roundtable discussion entitled “Ukrainian Language in Public Governance: Tools for Implementation”. During the meeting, teachers of the Сenter for Professional Development in State Language Competencies of the Higher School presented curricula and new textbooks.

It should be noted that one of the areas of professional development provided by the High School is improving the level of proficiency in the state language of public servants.

To this end, the institution has developed and is implementing 18 general short-term programmes. Fluency in the state language and one of the EU languages brings Ukraine closer to European public service standards.
