Expanding opportunities for training and professional development of starostas was discussed during the working meeting by representatives of the High School, the National Agency of Ukraine for Civil Service, the Verkhovna Rada Committee on the Organisation of State Power, Local Self-Government, Regional and Urban Development, as well as the NGO DESPRO, the NGO All-Ukrainian Association of Starostas and the PROSTO: Supporting Accessible Services in Ukraine”.
The institution of starostas in Ukraine is relatively new, having been introduced only in 2015. Since then, it has undergone significant changes and its role in local self-government has increased. One of the challenges is insufficient training – many starostas lack the necessary qualifications and experience in their positions. Therefore, the organisation of training for about 7,700 starostas, who represent the interests of starosta districts’ residents at the level of community leadership, to improve their professional level is an urgent issue that was discussed by the participants of the meeting.
At the beginning of 2024, the High School, with the support of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme and the All-Ukrainian Association of Amalgamated Hromadas, launched the ‘School of Starostas’ educational project. Under this programme, 370 starostas from 242 hromadas in 23 oblasts of Ukraine have already been trained.
Also, as part of the Starosta Training School project, 23 trainers (lecturers) were organised and trained under the Modern Tools for the Professional Development of Public Servants programme. During the implementation of the educational project, a manual for trainers “Development of Coaching Skills of Teachers Conducting Professional Training” was developed, and 6 short-term practice-oriented training programmes for starostas were prepared.
In addition, in 2024, according to the plans and schedules of 18 regional in-service training centres, starostas will be trained under 13 in-service training programmes. Over the past two years, the NAUCS has approved 7 starosta training programmes developed by regional centres.
It should be added that according to the results of the All-Ukrainian study of the professional training needs of local self-government officials and local council deputies conducted by the NAUCS at the end of 2023, starostas are most in demand for additional knowledge, skills and abilities to perform certain powers. In particular, the provision of administrative services or the performance of certain tasks of the ASC administrator (86.7% of the surveyed starostas), notarial acts (83.4%), the establishment and operation of self-organisation bodies (74.2%), and the preparation of draft decisions of the local council concerning the property of the territorial community located in the starosta district (74.0%).