Employees of the High School took part in the event on integrity in public service

09.10 2023

Among the participants of the strategic session held at the National Agency were representatives of the NACP, the Kyiv City Council Secretariat, the Reform Support Team of the Ministry of Reconstruction of Ukraine, and the Plusone Social Impact communication agency.

According to a study conducted by the National Agency of Ukraine on Civil Service, which was developed with the participation of the NACP, 43% of all public servants consider integrity to be among the five key values they consider important to uphold.

The integrity of a public servant implies that their actions will be aimed at protecting the interests of the state and refusing to let private interests prevail over public ones when exercising their powers. Therefore, the participants discussed the value essence of integrity, how it corresponds to public service, and the impact of integrity on the formation of its positive perception in society. They also discussed dispelling stereotypes about the public service.

It should be noted that integrity is one of the important components of the High School Development Strategy, so this element is systematic for all study programmes. Integrity training programmes are developed jointly with international partners and in cooperation with the NABU, NAPC, and other law enforcement agencies, and are focused on the practical needs of a specific target audience.

In addition, the High School of Public Governance, in cooperation with the MATRA programme “Good Governance and Integrity in the Public Sector in Ukraine”, supported by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of the Netherlands and the Hague Academy of Local Government, trained 20 trainers on promoting integrity in the civil service. In addition, the online course “Integrity of Public Servants in the Exercise of Duty” was updated.

It should be noted that the best practices of the results of cooperation under the MATRA project are reflected in the updated manual “Promoting Integrity and Good Governance. Reflections and Best Practices for Public Institutions”.

It is worth reminding that this year, the Richelieu Forum of Public Service held the first Integrity Forum for public servants and local government officials.
