Training on making effective management decisions

20.10 2023

On 18-19 October, a training for ‘A’ category public servants was held under the short-term training programme ‘Effective Decision Making’.

The programme for senior public servants was developed by the High School of Public Governance and the National Agency of Ukraine on Civil Service to improve competencies in making and implementing effective management decisions in public authorities.

During the two days, the participants discussed the processes and rules for making managerial decisions, methods and ways of implementing and monitoring their implementation. The trainer was Volodymyr Novik, PhD in Public Administration, developer of a number of original training courses in management psychology and strategic management, author of the book Under the Sign of Power.

The students discussed the difference between approaches to solving problems and ordinary situations, the conceptual model or holistic understanding in decision-making, the assessment of the scope of the possible and the definition of criteria in assessing the situation.
