On December 26, a meeting of the Scientific and Expert Council of the High School was held, which is an advisory body established to provide scientific and expert support for the professional development of civil servants, heads of local state administrations, their first deputies and deputies, local government officials, and members of local councils.
Yuliia Lykhach, Head of the High School, informed the audience that, pursuant to the Action Plan for the Implementation of the Concept of the National Resilience System by 2025, approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine on 10 November 2023 No. 1025-r, a survey of civil servants was conducted to obtain information on awareness of actions to be taken in case of a threat, as well as the level of understanding of the proper decision-making vertical and actions to be taken in case of its violation.
The survey was conducted from 29 October to 20 November 2024; 10,956 people were interviewed. The results of the survey showed the need to raise the level of awareness of civil servants on the following topics: elements of the national resilience system and ensuring its effective functioning; regulatory and organisational framework for the functioning of the national critical infrastructure protection system; algorithms and protocols for actions in crisis and emergency situations; and the powers of the authorities in the field of national security.
The Head of the High School emphasised the importance of such research and the consideration of its results when planning the topics of professional development.
Nataliia Shcherbak, Chair of the Scientific and Expert Council of the High School of Public Governance, Head of the National Training Centre for Prevention and Counteraction to Domestic and Gender-Based Violence, spoke about the preparation of an interactive online course on Preventing and Counteracting Domestic and Gender-Based Violence. She noted that this course was created after processing the results of a preliminary survey of representatives of state and local authorities to determine their training needs on preventing and combating gender-based violence, including domestic violence.
After discussing these agenda items, the members of the Scientific and Expert Council approved the presented developments and made suggestions for further work on establishing educational and scientific partnerships.