School of Strategic Training: summing up the results

07.08 2024

32 senior civil servants from 27 government agencies completed the School of Strategic Training. The third intake of the educational project, launched by the School jointly with the NAUCS and with the support of the Support to Ukraine’s Government Reforms (SURGe) project, started in July and aimed to teach senior managers new competencies to implement a strategic approach to public administration.

The graduates were congratulated by Natalia Alushyna, Head of the NAUCS, Yuliia Lykhach, Head of the High School, and Yevhen Mashyna, Deputy Director of the SURGe Project.

During the final module, the students presented strategies for the development and recovery of Ukraine in the form of a Transition book. In total, the training included 8 modules, where participants studied policy and organisational strategies, ethical dilemmas in management decision-making, the role of integrity in building an effective organisation, communication strategy and communication with veterans, building a barrier-free space, supporting mental health, and using artificial intelligence in public service.

The project’s priorities included developing strategies for Ukraine’s recovery, developing relevant areas of public administration, enhancing the professional competence of civil servants, and personal development of managers. A team of trainers helped to implement these ideas, including Maria Plaksenko, Head of the SURGe Human-Centred Policy Outcomes team, Yevhen Mashyna, Deputy Project Director, and experts in strategic planning, organisational transformation, and leadership Khrystyna Zhyvohlyad, Iryna Lazorevych, Natalia Koroliuk, Anna Kruk, and Natalia Kadia. Ihor Solovey, Head of the Centre for Strategic Communications and Information Security of the ICIP, and Tetiana Lomakina, Advisor to the Presidential Commissioner for Barrier-Free Access, also shared their experience and highlighted various aspects of public administration and strategic planning.
