Reserve of employees of state bodies for work on the de-occupied territories of Ukraine

04.07 2023

To the attention of those who want to work on the public service and rebuild the country!

In this section, you will find all the necessary information and find out how to join the reserve of employees of state bodies to work on the de-occupied territories of Ukraine and, in the future, have the opportunity to become a public servant.

Resolution No. 524 of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated 23 May 2023 “Implementation of a experimental project to create a reserve of employees of state bodies to work on the de-occupied territories of Ukraine” approved the Procedure for its implementation.

Purpose and objectives of the Reserve
The purpose of the reserve is to provide regional military administrations, military administrations of settlements, and other state bodies established or resuming work in the de-occupied territories of Ukraine with personnel to perform the tasks and functions of the state in these territories.

The reserve is formed from individuals who have expressed a desire to work in government agencies on the de-occupied territories as public servants.

To automate and digitise the reserve, an information and communication system containing information on persons included in the reserve is in place. The technical administrator of the system is the NAUCS.

Why is it important to work in government agencies in the de-occupied territories?

Public service is about working for the benefit of society and the welfare of every citizen. Working in government agencies on the de-occupied territories is a chance to make big changes in your country in small steps and bring its victory closer. This is an opportunity to assist in the restoration of life and welfare on the de-occupied territories.

Employees working in government agencies on the de-occupied territories have the opportunity to build a new future for the whole country through their daily work. This is a job with a high level of personal involvement and responsibility for making decisions that affect people’s lives.

If you: understand the importance of restoring the de-occupied territories, have the necessary qualifications or want to try your hand at public service and are aware of the level of responsibility of this work, do not hesitate to join the reserve.

More information is available here:
