Opening of the School of Gender Mainstreaming

08.08 2023

An educational project launched at the High School of Public Governance,
was launched on 8 August 2023.

The programme is being implemented by the High School jointly with the NAUCS with the support of the National Democratic Institute (NDI) and Sweden, at the initiative of the Vice Prime Minister for European and Euro-Atlantic Integration and the Government Commissioner for Gender Policy.

As Nataliia Aliushyna, Head of the NAUCS, underlined during the opening ceremony, “it is important to enhance the institutional capacity of public authorities. In particular, to implement the principles of gender-oriented governance, which is based on the concept of human rights, the principles of non-discrimination and combating inequality. Ensuring equal rights and opportunities for women and men is a factor in preserving the professional core and management potential of the public service.”

In August and September, the Gender Mainstreaming School will provide two developing programmes on gender-responsive governance for nearly 100 public servants.
The training is aimed at professionals whose responsibilities include ensuring equal rights and opportunities for women and men.

Participants will have the opportunity to gain knowledge of the institutional mechanism for the formation and implementation of gender policy in Ukraine. They will also be able to strengthen their practical skills and abilities to take into account the gender approach in planning, implementing, monitoring and evaluating policies, integrating gender equality principles into the management and administration of public authorities.
