On July 26, 2024, a regular meeting of the Academic and Methodological Council of the of the High School.
Svitlana Moskalenko, Deputy Chairman of the Academic and Methodological Council, Head of the Department of Teaching and Research Methodology, informed that the Coordination Council for Professional Training at the NAUCS had approved the lists of indicators for assessing the state of the professional training system and indicators for assessing the quality of professional development of civil servants on June 20 this year. They will be used for periodic and comprehensive external monitoring. Therefore, the meeting presented the tasks, forms, methods and procedures for external monitoring of the quality of in-service training provided for by the NAUCS order.
Alla Hrynko-Guzevska, Head of the Department of Educational Process Organization, Reporting and Education Quality Assurance, reported on the interaction of the structural units of the High School to ensure the quality of education and the possibility of creating an inclusive educational environment in the institution.
The Board reviewed and approved two general short-term professional development programs.
The program “Development of Financial Literacy in the Context of Ukraine’s European Integration Movement” is aimed at raising the level of financial awareness in connection with the current challenges of European integration, and the program “Determining the Results of the Performance Evaluation of Civil Servants: an Action Algorithm” is aimed at familiarizing with new methods and tools for evaluation, developing evaluation criteria, and acquiring practical skills in applying this knowledge in everyday work.