Enrolment for European and Euro-Atlantic Integration programmes starts

19.09 2023

Registration for three general short-term professional development programmes for public servants of categories B and C and local self-government officials will start on 20 September.

Building national resilience
The programme is aimed at developing new management attitudes, applying effective international instruments and practices to ensure national resilience and the possibility of their implementation in order to formulate and implement a comprehensive state policy in the field of national security and resilience. The training is aimed at increasing the level of competences, such as professional knowledge of the foundations and principles of state policy in the field of Euro-Atlantic integration of Ukraine and national resilience.

The training starts on 25 September. The total enrolment is 30 people.

For more information: https://pdp.nacs.gov.ua/courses/rozbudova-natsionalnoi-stiikosti

North Atlantic Treaty Organisation. Ukraine-NATO relations.

The overall objective of the programme is to develop professional competence in understanding the essence of Euro-Atlantic integration, the specifics of Euro-Atlantic cooperation policy, and the mechanisms for implementing Ukraine’s strategic course towards NATO membership. The training is aimed at enhancing professional knowledge of the state policy in the sphere of Euro-Atlantic integration and cooperation between Ukraine and NATO.

The course starts on 25 September. The total number of participants is 50.

For more information: https://pdp.nacs.gov.ua/courses/orhanizatsiia-pivnichnoatlantychnoho-dohovoru-vidnosyny-ukraina-nato

Media and media awareness: achievements of the EU and Ukraine

The programme aims to increase the level of professional competence in the sphere of media education and media literacy, expanding knowledge of modern media technologies, and developing critical thinking.

The list of professional competences aimed at improving the level of the programme:

  • professional knowledge of the foundations and principles of state policy in the field of information security;
  • professional knowledge of information gathering methods and principles of forecasting events and processes;
  • communication and interaction;
  • work with information.

The start date of the programme is 26 September. The total enrolment is 50 people.

More information: https://pdp.nacs.gov.ua/courses/mediaosvita-ta-mediahramotnist-dosiahnennia-yes-ta-ukrainy
