High school starts training in military records

10.07 2024

On 10 July, the High School launched the course Organisation and Maintenance of Military Records of Conscripts, Persons Liable for Military Service and Reservists. This advanced training programme, developed jointly with the National Agency of Ukraine on Civil Service and in agreement with the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, is aimed at human resources professionals responsible for maintaining military records.

The training will cover 60 civil servants and will help them improve their competencies in the following areas: personnel management (adaptation to new conditions, operational decision-making, team retention), communication and interaction (clear and effective communication with military commissariats), legislation (knowledge of legislation on military registration, reservation, mobilisation).

The speaker of the course is Vyacheslav Zasenko, Chief Specialist on Mobilisation of the National Agency of Ukraine for Civil Service.

The course will cover the legislation on military registration and reservation, organisation and planning of work, preparation and systematisation of documents, reporting on conscripts, persons liable for military service and reservists, reconciliation with the MCC and JV. In addition, the programme will focus on analysing the state of military registration in the organisation and monitoring compliance with the procedure and rules of military registration.

The programme will equip HR professionals with the knowledge and skills necessary to effectively maintain military records in wartime. This will help them better perform their duties and contribute to the country’s defence capability.
